Examining the Financial Shell Game
A Six Year Investigation
“Time to Fix Telecommunications” is the fourth report from New Networks Institute (NNI) in the last five years that has focused on Verizon New York’s state-based utility networks and the relationships and flows of money between and among Verizon’s other subsidiary companies, including Verizon Wireless, Verizon Online, Verizon Services, Verizon Business and other affiliate companies.
- In 2010, NNI started an investigation of the financial books of five Verizon’s state-based utility phone companies, including Verizon New York and Verizon New Jersey and the ties to Verizon Communications affiliate companies, (subsidiaries) including Verizon Wireless, Verizon Online, Verizon Services, among others. Published in 2012
- In 2013, our next report focused on Verizon New York and was the centerpiece of a filing by Common Cause, Consumer Union, CWA, and the Fire Island Association, which called for an investigation of Verizon’s financials and business practices.
- In May 2014, Public Utility Law Project, (PULP) published “It’s all Interconnected”, written by New Networks (with assistance by David Bergmann, Esq.) and it relied on unexamined data from Verizon New York using different Verizon supplied financials books.
- The Verge: Game of Phones: How Verizon is playing the FCC and its customers, May 2014
- The Connect New York Coalition, filed a Petition with the New York State Public Service Commission to do a formal investigation of Verizon New York. July 1, 2014. The Petition is based, in part, on NNI’s continuing research.
- Coalition members include AARP, Consumer Union, Common Cause, CWA, and NY state politicians.
- In 2015, there is currently an open proceeding, Case Matter 14-C-0370, that includes the Connect NY filing.
- The NYPSC also issued a report “Assessment of Telecommunications in New York State” during June 2015, which details the NYPSC Staff’s understanding of the marketplace.