Reverse ALEC-AT&T Legal Hackathon at Brooklyn Law BLIP

Watch live streaming video from internetsocietychapters at
  • Susan Lerner, Executive Director, Common Cause, New York & Brendan Fischer, PRWatch,– Who is the American Legislative Exchange  Council  (ALEC) and how do they impact public policy making?
  • Bruce Kushnick, New Networks — Reversing ALEC-based communications laws and  regulations. A brief history of Telecommunications, broadband and competition in the US and the current communications landscape.
  • Earl Comstock — With talk of a rewrite of the Telecom Act, what needs to be  done to reverse the current policies and restore competition.
  • Jonathan Askin, Brooklyn Law, BLIP –  VOIP and AT&T’s FCC Petition. Why access to  the networks is critical to competition in information services.
  • David Rosen – Content is King — From Net Neutrality to the ISP as  policeman,  content, including user-generated content is an issue that won’t go away.Esq.

Afternoon:  (to be sent)

  • Joe Plotkin, ASA networks –Competition  on all levels is an imperative.
  • Joly Mac Fie, ISOC-NY — Net Neutrality principles should reflect competition of Internet, broadband and phone service as well as
  • Bill Skye,  Esq. — New Jersey’s rural customer are not being served. Verizon, New Jersey was to be completed by 2010 with 100% of the state’s utility being upgraded. to fiber optics, with speeds capable of 45 Mbps. in both directions.
  • Edyael Casaperalta,  Center for Rural Strategies, Broadband in rural areas is not happening causing economic harms to cities and customers.
  • Art Brodsky,How the game is played.
  • Dana Spiegel, NYC Wireless.