
New Networks Institute Publications, 1986-1999

Full Bibliography


  • The Future of the Information Age, 1992-1999

  • Publishers:  Probe Research, Fairfield Research, Phillips Business Information.

  • Surveys conducted by:  Fairfield Research

“The Future of the Information Age,” was one of the largest independent study projects ever undertaken to examine the impact the breakup of AT&T and the creation of the Baby Bells had on telephone customers. It consists of 14 volumes, over 1,900 pages, over 910 exhibits, a computer a database of telephone prices, as well as two computer databases with data from more than 2,000 consumer telephone interviews, (conducted independently through Fairfield Research). Over 6,000 documents were examined, including information from the FCC, National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC), BellCore, telephone company annual reports, tariffs, telephone directories, proprietary reports from market research firms, trade and business articles, and association sponsored research. Also, actual telephone bills from subscribers representing 34 states were examined, including phone bill “collections” for business and residential subscribers. The report series publishers include Probe Research, Phillips Business Information and Fairfield Research. This work culminates with the publication of “The Unauthorized Biography of the Baby Bells & Info-Scandal” (which was originally published in May 1998 as a research report) NNI’s research was privately funded and intended for distribution through the sales of the reports and databases.Each report was designed to examine specific areas, from the changes in the price of local and long distance telephone services to the earnings and profits of the Regional Bells from these services. Also, extensive consumer and business customer interviews were conducted to determine customer acceptance of new technology or competition, their knowledge of their phone charges and their viewpoint of the companies offering them local, long distance and cable services.Each report was designed to examine specific areas, from the changes in the price of local and long distance telephone services to the earnings and profits of the Regional Bells from these services. Also, extensive consumer and business customer interviews were conducted to determine customer acceptance of new technology or competition, their knowledge of their phone charges and their viewpoint of the companies offering them local, long distance and cable services.The reports had some significant impacts:

  • AT&T used the data to show that consumers wanted competition and was used as ammunition to create the Telecom Act of 1996, This was the second version of AT&T which started in 1984 as a long distance company and ended up being bought by SBC in 2006). (The current (third version)  was created when SBC renamed the company AT&T.),
  • Sprint used the fact that literally 0% of people could answer based questions about the cost of their long distance service, and developed the first flat rate priced service,  “10 cents a minute”.
  • The information and survey was used in a class action about the rate increases for phone rentals — Our data showed that 25% of seniors were still renting a decade after the break up, with prices going up over 400% thanks to deregulation.
  • One Report, New Networks Services: 500, 600 and *100,  had a section on the creation of 3-digit dialing.  In 1992, New Networks Institute worked with Cox Newspapers to roll out the first 3-digit information service, “511”, in Florida and Georgia. In 1995-ish, AT&T rolled out the “500” network, (1-500-555-1212) and *100 was one of the first proposed “follow-me” services, i.e., one phone number for all services.
  • The Information Superhighway: Get a Grip predicted that the phone companies’ fiber optic networks were never going to be built in a timely fashion as the cost models had been wrong. However, we didn’t know that it was all just a plan to change regulations to charge customers more, with little, if any intention to build out the fiber optic future they had  committed to.
Probe Research, publisher  Pages Exhibit
Telephone Charges In America, 1980-1993o (3 Volumes) examines the changes in the costs of telephone services, from 1980 through the formation and first decade of the Baby Bells. It is based on government sources, such as the FCC, state Public Utilities Commissions, telephone company supplied information, including tariffs, and finally, actual charges from telephone bills, which are compared to the telephone and government information. It covers most charges, installation fees, directory assistance, calling features, inside wring, phone rental, taxes and surcharges and local and long distance charges. It is accompanied by a computer database of telephone charges representing 50 states. 254 151
Volume II Telephone Charges State Database 90 90
Volume III Telephone Charges database Manual  26
50 States Telephone Charges Database, 224 Fields 27 Macros
Published by Probe Research, October 1993, $6,245
New Network Services: 500, 600, *100–Special Section “3-Digit Dialing”—This unique report presents NNI’s examination into the creation and potential uses of new area codes, 500, 600, and *100 as well as highlights the development of the local 511 (like 411) markets. Starting with an historical examination of the development of national networks, 800 and 900, including size of market and growth potentials, this report also examines the issues surrounding any new network’s potential for growth, from regulation to deployment, that need to be considered by both the telephone companies and the users. NOTE: Starting in 1990, New Networks Institute worked with Cox Newspapers to roll out the first 3-digit information service, “511”, in Florida and Georgia. In 1995-ish, AT&T rolled out the “500” network, and *100 was one of the first proposed “follow-me” services, ie, one phone number for all services. 85 12
Published by New Networks Institute, 1992,  By Probe Research, October 1993, $995
Consumer Attitudes Toward Telephone and Cable Companies and Services (3 Volumes) examines the consumer perceptions about the companies that supply services, including local, long distance and cable companies, what consumers know (or don’t know) about the costs of services, including local, long distance and cable services, and consumer interest in new services, from Videophone to Movies-On-Demand. This report is based on a proprietary survey of 1,000 consumers conducted Spring, 1993 by Fairfield Research.NOTE: Featured in the Washington Post, this report and survey led to work with Sprint on the first flat-rate pricing model– The advertisement with Candice Bergen was based on the question — Do you know what you are paying for one minute of long distance? The survey was also used in a class action case surrounding phone rentals (25% of seniors were still renting a decade after the break up of AT&T), and AT&T used the data to help open the networks for competition in 1996. 94 106
Volume II 1000 Consumer Interview Analysis/Printout 52 52
Volume III Consumer Database Manual  16
1000 Consumer Interview Database, 101 Fields, 27 Macros
Published by Probe Research, October 1993, price $5,245
Philip Business Information, publisher
Regional Bell Earnings, Expenditures & Profits


o Regional Bell Earnings Expenditures & Profits focuses on the earnings and expenditures of the Regional Bells by lines of business, including telephone service revenues, overseas investment, number of employees, construction costs and annual growth. It also highlights the current patchwork of telephone regulations, from the FCC to the states’ jurisdiction and examines the current holes in the fabric of proper monitoring and analysis.

256 113
Complaint TO FCC and Congress –– Our data showed that there was massive holes in customer protections and most of the government data being published had major problems — most of which still exist today or got worse.
24 6
Published by Phillips Business Information, 11/94, $1,795
Fairfield Research, publisher
The Information Super-Highway: Get A Grip– The Information Super-Highway: Get A Grip This report discusses the major issues for the future information highway and details consumer interest, RBOC expenditures, projected roll out of fiber enhanced services, and historical data from Fairfield Research pertaining to proposed I-Way applications from movies-on demand to on-line services. It details NNI’s projections, which show billions in losses. This report also examines the current bills passed and pending in Congress, the issues over Universal Service, and the proposed Ameritech “Customer’s First” plan. 173 40
Published by Fairfield Research, 11/94, price $995
New Networks Institute, publisher
Telecom Turf Wars ’95 64 55
Volume II 1000 Consumer Interviews Analysis/Printout 52 52
Published by New Networks Institute, 1996, price $2,495.
Inter-NOT: Online & Internet Statistics Reality Check, ’96 149 72
Published by New Networks Institute, 1996, price $495.
Inter-NOT: The Terrible Twos: Online’s Learning Curve 127 54
Published by New Networks Institute, 1996, price $495.
Info-Scandal: The Unauthorized Bio of the Baby Bells 476 134
Published by New Networks Institute, May 1998, price $195.
Research Reports from 1986 through 1991
During his career Bruce Kushnick has predicted the growth of numerous interactive information markets and services that have now become commonplace. For example, in 1985 as senior telecom analyst for Link Resources, he predicted the explosive growth of voicemail and interactive voice services (Only 2% of businesses had voicemail in 1985, and now interactive voice is used for everything from automated banking to order placement). Other reports he wrote while president of Strategic Telemedia predicted the roll out of Caller ID (1987), the creation and growth of 700 and 900 number services (1986) and even 900’s stagnation (1990). He also coined such commonly used industry terms as “Intelligent 800”, “Telemedia”, “Interactive Voice”, and “500 Caller Paid”.
Link Resources (now Link/IDC) publisher Pages Exhibit
The Market for Interactive Voice Services, 1986 316 34
Volume II: Interactive Voice Company Profiles 261
Published by Link Resources,1986, price $5,185
The Telephone as an Advertising Medium, 1987 95 15
Published by Link Resources,1986, price $1,200
Strategic Telemedia, publisher
700, 800, 900: The Intelligent Networks, 1988 – 1992 171 29
Published by Strategic Telemedia,1988-1992 price $995
Automatic Number Identification, 1988, 1989 156 22
Published by Strategic Telemedia,1988-1990, price $995
Telemedia, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 13 26
Published by Strategic Telemedia,1987-1990, price $995
Enhanced Billing and Collection: White Paper from Forum for Interexchange Carriers on Enhanced Billing and Collections, 11/89 54  54
III Enhanced Billing and Collection: IXC, RBOC, PUC WhitePaper from Forum on Enhanced Billing and Collections, 6/90 126  126
Automated and Telemarketing Service Agencies, 1991,92 245 58
Volume II Service Agency Database, 355 Fields, 97 Macros
Published by Strategic Telemedia,19891 price $1,295

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