Just some of the press....
Infoworld January 26, 1998Telecom analyst ventures forth with documentation of big Baby Bell rip-offs. Foreword, Dr. Bob Metcalfe
Bruce Kushnick just spent seven years writing his "unauthorized biography" of the Bell telephone monopolies. His unpublished, 475-page manuscript exposes how the Baby Bells have been ripping us off since they were born out of AT&T in 1984.
Fire -- "I Challenge Any Bell To Refute My Findings. If There Is Any
Distortion, Let Them Either Put It Up For The Public To See ... Or
Shut Up." March 22,
First, thanks for running the piece about my book,
The Unauthorized Bio of the Baby Bells & Info-Scandal, in your
"Bell Confidential: Feds, Fraud & Fiber" (Headers, Feb. 8). I
would like to comment on statements made by BellSouth's
BYTE.COM The Unauthorized Bio Of The Baby Bells An Info-Scandal
By Bruce Kushnick -- May 3rd, 1999[Editor's Note: The Information Highway runs through the switches and over the wires of the telephone operating companies. Author Bruce A. Kushnick in his book,
The Unauthorized Biography of the Baby Bells & Info-Scandal suggests we haven't gotten what we've paid for in terms of high-speed access improvements. The question of what we're going to get, and when, from the telephone companies affects every denizen of cyberspace. Kushnick's opinions are unorthodox, but well grounded. This excerpt is from the summary at the end of his book; each point is backed by pages of research earlier in this 474-page work.]
Trail of Broken Promises
Former consultant uses pen to battle the Baby
By David S. Isenberg, America's Network
Bruce Kushnick doesn't get invited to fancy telecom meetings anymore. When he began exposing the Baby Bells' patterns of broken promises, his status dove from top telemedia consultant to industry pariah.
Lies and Red Tape
by Patricia
Fusco of
Are consumer sects all part of a larger conspiracy exercised by the
telecommunications industry to minimize competition and maximize
margins? No. The grass roots and the half-truths are simply business
as usual, reminding ISPs that Ma Bell may have been disbanded, but
the Baby Bells learned their business models from Mommy
Bruce Kushnick, author of The Unauthorized Biography of the Baby Bells, estimates that somewhere between 30 to 50% of all Internet Service Providers receive sub-standard customer service from their line provider.
Kushnick documents the incumbents' decade-long pattern of stalling tactics and broken promises that have delayed a fiber infrastructure.
Confidential: Feds, Fraud & Fiber
February 08, 1999
In his new book, "The Unauthorized Biography of the
Baby Bells & Info-Scandal," due out this week, telecom analyst
Bruce Kushnick chronicles what he claims are tens of billions of
dollars of overcharges and underdeliveries by the Bells goin...
Footwork -- "There's Probably Not A Rat's Chance In Hell That Cable
Companies Will Open Up Their Networks Anytime Soon."
April 19, 1999
The ongoing legislative attempts to open up cable's
high-speed Internet access to all Internet service providers is
nothing more than trying to open a knot of wires with your toes. Yes,
I believe that the cable companies should immediately ...
and the Hosing Of America's ISPs