Welcome to New Networks

Welcome to the New, New Networksnn-logo-150-Join

New Networks Institute started in 1992 and working with Teletruth, we created a group of experts, advocates, lawyers, competitors, consumers and business customers to be an independent voice to stand up for and represent communications users against the phone now AT&T, Verizon, Centurylink and cable companies. We have helped to initiate multiple, successful class action suits, have filed comments and complaints with the FCC, IRS, SEC, not to mention many state commissions, and was even a member of the FCC’s Consumer Advisory Committee.

And now we need your help and have redesigned New Networks as new community dedicated to not simply talking about but taking actions to give every American:

Open, Fast, Affordable Networks — Everywhere.

We can’t do this upcoming fight alone.

  • Open You should have choices for who provides your phone, internet, cable broadband service.
  • Fast — Today, in other countries 100 Mbps and 1 Gigabit speeds are standard.
  • Affordable There’s competition to lower prices, not continuous rate increases or ‘mysterious’ charges dumped on your bills.
  • Networks -meaning the infrastructure, the connectivity that includes the wires into your home of office, school and library or the wireless spectrum that carries your wireless use
  • Everywhere In 1934, the Telecom Act was passed so that everyone in America could have phone service. That wire was supposed to be upgraded to fiber optics — everywhere — rural and urban alike, schools and libraries.

The Issues?

A recent survey found that America’s Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and cable companies are the most hated companies in America. Prices continue to rise, there is no serious competition for services and America’s networks, regardless of the hype, are slow and expensive.

But it’s getting worse, the phone companies, working with a group called American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), have put together a massive campaign to remove basic obligations like fixing your phone line after a storm, or upgrading the copper to a fiber optic service, or even not having to provide any service, and the state commissions removed from all oversight. Click here for more info.

It’s All about the Networks & Infrastructure that Allows You to Connect

Every digital service you use rides over networks — be it the wireless phone spectrum or the cable wire or the phone wire that should have been upgraded. The wireless call goes to a cell tower than over a special access wire; the Internet rides over these networks as well. Those who control the wires and airwaves controls the price of all services and content and the speed of your connection or the choices you have – or even who does and does not get service.

  • Net Neutrality? If some company blocks, degrades, policies, monitors, manipulates or even slows down your service, you should be able to choose another provider that doesn’t interfere with your service
  • Privacy? With only a few companies in control, it’s easier to spy on you.

Join in the Conversation

Join our group. We are working with advocates, experts, lawyers – and anyone who uses the networks. Learn more or add your thoughts.


Tired of sitting on the sidelines while you scream at your phone or are annoyed there’s no competition for your broadband service?

Be Supporting Member

Place a bet that we could do something that mattered if we had the resources to do it. Help your company so we can defend your rights to use the networks, or help us make sure that the services you use won’t get shut off or limited. If you’re happy with the current situation and think it’s going to get fixed with pixy dust – or there’s other groups doing the works we’ve been doing, then please support them.