72 Democrats Signatories
Concerned with the
FCC's Proposed Rules on
Net Neutrality.
Note: this list is just
contributions to campaign committees, not to PACs, which can
be as much if not more than the original
posted on Slashdot:
(includes PACs for first 5)
- Arcuri (NY-27) AT&T $9000, CWA (telco union)
$6500, Verizon $5000, Comcast
- Baca (CA-43) AT&T $10000, Comcast $9000,
Verizon $8100, NCTA $5000
- Barrow (GA-12) NCTA (cable asc) $5000, AT&T
5000, Comcast $5000, Verizon
- S Bishop (GA-2) AT&T $10,000 CWA $10,000,
Verizon, $9500
- T Bishop (NY-1)CWA $10000, AT&T $8000, Verizon
$3000, Cablevision
- Boren (OK-2) $5000 from AT&T
- Boswell (IA-3) $5000 from AT&T
- Boyd (FL-2) $2500 from Verizon, $2500 from Comcast
- Brady (PA-1) $5000 from National Cable &
Telecommunications Assn
- Bright (AL-2) $4000 from AT&T
- Butterfield (NC-1) $5000 from AT&T
- Cardoza (CA-18) $4500 from AT&T
- Carnahan (MO-3) $6100 from Communications Workers
of America
- Carny (PA-10) $5000 from L3 Communications
- Childers (MS-1) $5000 from AT&T
- Christensen (VI) No obvious contribution reported
- Clay (MO-1) $2500 from AT&T, $3000 from Verizon
- Cleaver (MO-5) $2500 from Communications Workers
of America
- Costa (CA-20) $2000 from AT&T
- Crowley (NY-7) $5000 from Comcast, $2500 from
Verizon, $2000 from L3 Communications
- Cuellar (TX-28) $1000 from Verizon
- Cummings (MD-7) $1000 from AT&T
- Dahlkemper (PA-3) $3000 from AT&T
- Davis (IL-7) $5000 from AT&T
- Davis (TN-4) $3000 from AT&T
- Driehaus (OH-1) $1000 from AT&T
- Fattah (PA-2) $1000 from AT&T, $1000 from
- Foster (IL-14) $2000 from Comcast
- Fudge (OH-11) $2000 from AT&T, $2500 from
Communications Workers of America
- Gonzalez (TX-20) $2000 from AT&T, $2000 from
- Green (TX-9) $5000 from Communications Workers
of America
- Green (TX-29) $5000 from Communications Workers
of America, $2500 from AT&T, $2500 from Comcast
- Griffith (AL-5) $6500 from L3 Communications,
$4500 from AT&T
- Halvorson (IL-11) $7000 from AT&T, $3500
from Comcast
- Hastings (FL-23) $5000 from AT&T
- Hill (IN-9) $5000 from AT&T, $2500 from National
Cable and Telecommunications Association
- Holden (PA-17) $5000 from Communications Workers
of America, $3000 from AT&T
- Jackson (TX-18) $5000 from AT&T
- Johnson (TX-30) $2000 from AT&T
- Johnson (GA-4) $2500 from Communications Workers
of America, $2000 from Verizon, $1000 from Comcast
- Kosmas (FL-24) $4000 from Comcast
- Kratovil (MD-1) $3500 L3 Communications, $3000
from AT&T, $3000 from Comcast
- Larsen (WA-2) $1000 from Qwest, $1000 from Verizon
- Maffei (NY-25) $4800 from Data Key Communications,
$3000 from Verizon, $2750 from Time Warner
- McMahon (NY-13) $4000 from AT&T, $2000 from
Time Warner, $2000 from Verizon
- Meeks (NY-6) $5000 from AT&T, $1000 from
- Melancon (LA-3) $10000 from Comcast, $4000 from
AT&T, $2500 from Communications Workers of America, $2000 from
Time Warner
- Michaud (ME-2) $4000 from AT&T, $1000 from
Time Warner, $1000 from Qualcomm
- Minnick (ID-1) $3500 from Comcast, $2000 from
AT&T, $2000 from Verizon
- Moore (KS-3) $2000 from AT&T, $1000 from
Comcast, $1000 from Verizon
- Nye (VA-2) $4800 from Cox Communications, $2000
from Verizon, $1500 from Communications Workers of America
- Ortiz (TX-27) $3500 from AT&T, $1250 from
Communications Workers of America, $1000 from Comcast
- Pastor (AZ-4) $4000 from AT&T, $2000 from
- Perlmutter (CO-7) $4500 from Qwest, $1000 from
AT&T, $1000 from National Cable & Telecommunications Association,
$1000 from Verizon
- Polis (CO-2) No obvious contributions
- Rahall (WV-3) $2500 from AT&T
- Reyes (TX-16) $2000 from AT&T, $2000 from
Verizon, $1000 from L3 Communications
- Ross (AR-4) $5000 from AT&T, $4000 from Verizon
- Sanchez (CA-47) $5000 from AT&T, $5000 from
L3 Communications
- Schrader (OR-5) $3000 from AT&T, $2000 from
- Schwartz (PA-13) $2500 from National Cable and
Telecommunications Association
- Scott (GA-13) $3000 from AT&T, $2500 from
Communications Workers of America, $2000 from Verizon
- Shuler (NC-11) $4000 from AT&T, $1000 from
Communications Workers of America
- Sires (NJ-13) $5000 from AT&T, $3000 from
Verizon, $2500 from Comcast
- Space (OH-18) $10000 from Communications Workers
of America, $5000 from AT&T, $3500 from Time Warner, $3500 from
- Spratt (SC-5) $5000 from AT&T, $1500 from
Communications Workers of America
- Tanner (TN-8) $5000 from AT&T, $3500 from
- Thompson (MS-2) $3500 from AT&T, $2500 from
- Tonko (NY-21) $5000 from AT&T, $2000 from
Verizon, $1000 from Communications Workers of America
- Towns (NY-10) $5000 from AT&T, $4000 from
Time Warner, $2500 from Verizon, $1000 from National Cable & Telecommunications
Association, $!000 from US Telecom Association
- Welch (VT) $5000 from National Cable & Telecommunications
Association, $2000 from AT&T, $1000 from Time Warner
- Wilson (OH-6) $3000 from AT&T, $1000 from
Verizon, $1000 from Comcast.